Painting by communicating with the body in search of Human Nature.
It is always already ‘alive’, handling, sensing and perceiving intra-worldly things in a particular way. The ‘lived-body’ is not a bounded, material substance that is extended in space, and it cannot be scientifically observed from a distance, because it is already spatially involved…
I have always been interested and inspired by the body – the body as an object of desire, the image of the body in ancient cultures (anthropomorphism of primitive religions and cosmologies), the language that describes the body.
The role of the body extends far beyond physical boundaries, it generates meanings and therefore remains one of the most difficult topics in philosophy.
In many religions and philosophical systems, such as the Cartesian model, there is a dualism between body and spirit.It is strongly emphasised in European culture through Christianity. I prefer though to look at this constellation as an union.
The personality always exists in a living body and as Heidegger says – It is always already ‘alive’, handling, sensing and perceiving intra-worldly things in a particular way. The ‘lived-body’ is not a bounded, material substance that is extended in space, and it cannot be scientifically observed from a distance, because it is already spatially involved…
Painting with the body of another person, who is both a passive participant (an instrument in some sense) and an active one (because he carries his individual energy and susceptibility), puts it in a new context of constant rediscovery.
Painting by communicating with the body in search of Human Nature.